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let's have breakfast together
- what we need -
200 gr of Manitoba flour
100 grams of brown sugar
100 gr of butter
2 fresh organic eggs
the grated rind of one organic lemon
1 pinch of salt
1 teaspoon of baking soda
organic strawberry jam
a sprinkle of powdered sugar
Strawberry pie

La ricetta del mese

We knead quickly until it forms a homogeneous ball to be placed in a damp cloth.
Let it rest in the fridge for a couple of hours.
We mix together all the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, salt and bicarbonate)
Grate the peel of the untreated lemon and then add the eggs and finally the softened butter at room temperature.

We roll out part of the dough well in a special pan and keep a small amount for the garnish.
Add the strawberry jam and decorate with the shortcrust pastry strips.
We bakeat 180 degrees for 25/30 minutes.
Our strawberry tart is ready!
Let it cool and garnish with powdered sugar to taste.
Good for breakfast but also as a snack!

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